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Thread 2

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12,240 impressions  199 engagements (Avg 100)  1.63% EPI

120 likes · 20 replies · 7 retweets · 2 quotes · 0 link clicks · 50 profile clicks



Date Tweet Impressions Engagements EPI Likes Replies RTs / Quotes Link clicks Profile clicks
Build something that’s fun to build. It ends up as "play", not "work".
Build something that’s fun to build.

It ends up as "play", not "work".
Build something that’s fun to build.

It ends up as "play", not "work".
9,351 152 1.63% 94 17 6 / 2 0 33
I still get people asking how I managed to do so many side projects alongside a job (even now, a year after I quit). Well, this is the main reason. I loved working on them and couldn't wait to get back to them after a day at work.
I still get people asking how I managed to do so many side projects alongside a job (even now, a year after I quit).

Well, this is the main reason. I loved working on them and couldn't wait to get back to them after a day at work.
I still get people asking how I managed to do so many side projects alongside a job (even now, a year after I quit).

Well, this is the main reason. I loved working on them and couldn't wait to get back to them after a day at work.
2,889 47 1.63% 26 3 1 / 0 0 17

Build something that’s fun to build.

It ends up as "play", not "work".

9,351 impressions  152 engagements  1.63% EPI
94 likes · 17 replies · 6 retweets · 2 quotes · 0 link clicks · 33 profile clicks


I still get people asking how I managed to do so many side projects alongside a job (even now, a year after I quit).

Well, this is the main reason. I loved working on them and couldn't wait to get back to them after a day at work.

2,889 impressions  47 engagements  1.63% EPI
26 likes · 3 replies · 1 retweets · 0 quotes · 0 link clicks · 17 profile clicks

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