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Thread 2

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6,956 impressions  36 engagements (Avg 18)  0.52% EPI

15 likes · 2 replies · 0 retweets · 0 quotes · 0 link clicks · 19 profile clicks



Date Tweet Impressions Engagements EPI Likes Replies RTs / Quotes Link clicks Profile clicks
Well thank goodness for that! Finally got access to tweets again 😅 I've re-written a decent amount of ilo's API code to use v1 endpoints—apart from a few crucial ones—in case Twitter decides to balloon tweet usage again. And I'll be monitoring this bar super closely!
Well thank goodness for that! Finally got access to tweets again 😅

I've re-written a decent amount of ilo's API code to use v1 endpoints—apart from a few crucial ones—in case Twitter decides to balloon tweet usage again. And I'll be monitoring this bar super closely!
Well thank goodness for that! Finally got access to tweets again 😅

I've re-written a decent amount of ilo's API code to use v1 endpoints—apart from a few crucial ones—in case Twitter decides to balloon tweet usage again. And I'll be monitoring this bar super closely!
5,078 27 0.53% 11 2 0 / 0 0 14
One hour in, going well so far!
One hour in, going well so far!
One hour in, going well so far!
1,878 9 0.48% 4 0 0 / 0 0 5

Well thank goodness for that! Finally got access to tweets again 😅

I've re-written a decent amount of ilo's API code to use v1 endpoints—apart from a few crucial ones—in case Twitter decides to balloon tweet usage again. And I'll be monitoring this bar super closely!

5,078 impressions  27 engagements  0.53% EPI
11 likes · 2 replies · 0 retweets · 0 quotes · 0 link clicks · 14 profile clicks

One hour in, going well so far!

1,878 impressions  9 engagements  0.48% EPI
4 likes · 0 replies · 0 retweets · 0 quotes · 0 link clicks · 5 profile clicks

The following charts cover metrics for the whole thread.


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