Counter embeds

Embed a live counter on any website.

Embed a live counter.

1. Sign up to ilo

ilo is an analytics product, which offers a detailed dashboard for monitoring metrics from around the web.

Find out more

Sign up to get started.

2. Embed a counter

Get the code

Go your ilo dashboard and hover over the counter you want to embed. Click on the ↗ share icon to open the share dialog.

Copy the embed code and paste it into your website.

The code will look something like this:

<span data-ilo-counter="ywjnff77"></span>
<script src="" async></script>

And that's it!

Change format

By default, the full number (eg 14,303) will be shown. If you'd rather show a formatted version similar to Twitter (eg 14.3K), add data-ilo-format="short" to the counter code.

<span data-ilo-counter="ywjnff77" data-ilo-format="short"></span>

Add many counters to a page

You can add as many counters to a page as you want. Note that there only needs to be one <script> tag on the page.

If you plan to add more than one counter to a page, move the <script> tag to the bottom of the page.