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Thread 6

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23,026 impressions  1,104 engagements (Avg 184)  4.79% EPI

145 likes · 14 replies · 4 retweets · 1 quotes · 0 link clicks · 940 profile clicks



Date Tweet Impressions Engagements EPI Likes Replies RTs / Quotes Link clicks Profile clicks
We grew from $19,000 to $45,000 in MRR this year. This is what I've learned 👇
We grew from $19,000 to $45,000 in MRR this year.

This is what I've learned 👇
We grew from $19,000 to $45,000 in MRR this year.

This is what I've learned 👇
17,995 1,026 5.70% 125 10 3 / 0 0 888
Annual plans ROCK 💰 Incentivized our annual pricing plans with a 10% discount. This immediately resulted in more commitment.
Annual plans ROCK 💰

Incentivized our annual pricing plans with a 10% discount.

This immediately resulted in more commitment.
Annual plans ROCK 💰

Incentivized our annual pricing plans with a 10% discount.

This immediately resulted in more commitment.
967 22 2.28% 10 1 0 / 0 0 11
Automation FIRST 🤖 To grow without increasing costs, see if there are things or processes you can automate instead of investing in new team members right away.
Automation FIRST 🤖

To grow without increasing costs, see if there are things or processes you can automate instead of investing in new team members right away.
Automation FIRST 🤖

To grow without increasing costs, see if there are things or processes you can automate instead of investing in new team members right away.
897 10 1.11% 2 1 0 / 1 0 6
STAY creative 🧠 Don't get comfortable with growth. Stay creative and find new ways of generating revenue with fewer resources.
STAY creative 🧠

Don't get comfortable with growth.

Stay creative and find new ways of generating revenue with fewer resources.
STAY creative 🧠

Don't get comfortable with growth.

Stay creative and find new ways of generating revenue with fewer resources.
837 16 1.91% 3 1 1 / 0 0 11
Don't WASTE money 💸 Don’t get too excited with all that money in the bank and waste it on creating more assets. Focus instead on creating a few high-quality assets you can sell. A healthy mix of features for current and new customers should do the trick.
Don't WASTE money 💸

Don’t get too excited with all that money in the bank and waste it on creating more assets.

Focus instead on creating a few high-quality assets you can sell.

A healthy mix of features for current and new customers should do the trick.
Don't WASTE money 💸

Don’t get too excited with all that money in the bank and waste it on creating more assets.

Focus instead on creating a few high-quality assets you can sell.

A healthy mix of features for current and new customers should do the trick.
1,243 9 0.72% 1 1 0 / 0 0 7
Customers OVER new business 🙏 Customer acquisition is super important but less cost-effective than reducing the churn rate. Focus on the current customers. They are the ones that are helping you grow. Make them happy.
Customers OVER new business 🙏

Customer acquisition is super important but less cost-effective than reducing the churn rate.

Focus on the current customers.

They are the ones that are helping you grow.

Make them happy.
Customers OVER new business 🙏

Customer acquisition is super important but less cost-effective than reducing the churn rate.

Focus on the current customers.

They are the ones that are helping you grow.

Make them happy.
1,087 21 1.93% 4 0 0 / 0 0 17

We grew from $19,000 to $45,000 in MRR this year.

This is what I've learned 👇

17,995 impressions  1,026 engagements  5.70% EPI
125 likes · 10 replies · 3 retweets · 0 quotes · 0 link clicks · 888 profile clicks

· Twitter Web App

Annual plans ROCK 💰

Incentivized our annual pricing plans with a 10% discount.

This immediately resulted in more commitment.

967 impressions  22 engagements  2.28% EPI
10 likes · 1 replies · 0 retweets · 0 quotes · 0 link clicks · 11 profile clicks

· Twitter Web App

Automation FIRST 🤖

To grow without increasing costs, see if there are things or processes you can automate instead of investing in new team members right away.

897 impressions  10 engagements  1.11% EPI
2 likes · 1 replies · 0 retweets · 1 quotes · 0 link clicks · 6 profile clicks

· Twitter Web App

STAY creative 🧠

Don't get comfortable with growth.

Stay creative and find new ways of generating revenue with fewer resources.

837 impressions  16 engagements  1.91% EPI
3 likes · 1 replies · 1 retweets · 0 quotes · 0 link clicks · 11 profile clicks

· Twitter Web App

Don't WASTE money 💸

Don’t get too excited with all that money in the bank and waste it on creating more assets.

Focus instead on creating a few high-quality assets you can sell.

A healthy mix of features for current and new customers should do the trick.

1,243 impressions  9 engagements  0.72% EPI
1 likes · 1 replies · 0 retweets · 0 quotes · 0 link clicks · 7 profile clicks

· Twitter Web App

Customers OVER new business 🙏

Customer acquisition is super important but less cost-effective than reducing the churn rate.

Focus on the current customers.

They are the ones that are helping you grow.

Make them happy.

1,087 impressions  21 engagements  1.93% EPI
4 likes · 0 replies · 0 retweets · 0 quotes · 0 link clicks · 17 profile clicks

· Twitter Web App

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