Useful and affordable.
$5 /month
$4.17 /month
Billed $50/year (2 months free)
Also available as a one-time lifetime payment for $59
Link-in-bio page
- Unlimited links
- Embed content
- Pick a theme Soon
- Real-time account stats
- Click tracking
Internet stats tracking
- Analytics dashboard
- Digest emails
- Track posting streaks
- 10 connected accounts
- 1 Workspace
- iOS and Mac widgets Learn
- API access Learn
- Live counter embeds Learn
Link-in-bio page
- Everything from the Page plan, plus...
- Custom CSS, fonts and scripts
- Collect email addresses Soon
- Embed dynamic content Soon
- Custom domain Soon
Everything from Personal, plus
- Manage 3 Workspaces
- 20 connected accounts
- 3 team members
$10/month per extra Workspace
$5/month per extra team member
Plus applicable local taxes.
Create a dynamic link-in-bio page
- Your home on the internet
- Add links and embed content
- Show off your live stats
Track stats from these platforms

Know your metrics
- Multiple metrics for each account
- Simple metrics dashboards
- Daily digest emails
- Streak tracking
Billing info
"Lifetime" means as long as ilo is online (there is no plan to close ilo).
VAT may be applied to your total depending on your local digital VAT laws. If you own a business, make sure to add your VAT number in the form, which should remove any VAT.
If you have any questions, please email [email protected].