
How to quickly search your tweets with

ilo's Tweet table view makes it incredibly fast to search through your tweets.

Dan Rowden Dan Rowden    ·   · 

ilo has a useful Tweet table view, which has some powerful features: sorting, filtering by date and search.

To quickly search your tweets, go to the Tweets page from the top menu bar.

Then, choose the time period you want to search within (7 days, 14 days, 30 days, 90 days or all of the tweets in ilo).

Select a time period.

Then use the search bar for a certain phrase. Results will be instant.

Searching for tweets containing "twitter".

Pro tip: sort the table by a certain column to be able to quickly see which of your tweets have got more impressions, likes, profile clicks etc. for a certain term.

Searched and sorted by Engagements

Dan Rowden Dan Rowden

Dan is a long-time Twitter user and founder of


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